About Us

Hello, LokerPonorogo.com is a platform that provides information regarding job opportunities, particularly in the region of Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia.

Our aim in establishing LokerPonorogo.com is to combat unemployment in Ponorogo by delivering online job vacancies that can be accessed anywhere.

Our hope is that this platform can be of benefit to those who need it, particularly those who are seeking employment in Ponorogo.

We created and developed this site on 21 September 2022, making it a young entrant in the field of information media.

Nevertheless, we, the team behind LokerPonorogo.com, strive to provide dependable and up-to-date information so that readers can access real-time information.

Note: We do not charge any fees for the information and job vacancies we provide.

Warm Regards,

The LokerPonorogo.com Team